Air Quality Tests & Sampling

Enviro Group Services provides biological sampling and air quality testing, with the aim to identify actual mould growth and its source, and determine the boundary (spread) of fungal particulate (deposition) throughout the building.

Why and how we test

  1.  To identify the spread of fungal particulate throughout the building
  2. To locate actual growth where the source of the problem is occurring
  3.  To determine the extent of the deposition of fungal particulate
  4. To identify hidden mould
  5.  To determine if there is pathogenic and/or mycotoxin producing fungi that could affect the occupant’s health
  6.  For medical reasons, where the genre of fungi or mycotoxins obtained from pathology tests in the patient matches those found in the building
  7.  As part of the pre and post mould remediation, to determine the effectiveness of remediation and cleaning

The cost of the air sampling is $440 + $110 per sample (2 samples minimum)

Includes technician service fee, laboratory analysis, written report

The Air Testing / Sampling Process

1. Locate the spread
We focus on areas affected by the water event/moisture ingression and the adjacent rooms to establish the spread (boundary) of fungal particulate.
2. Take control samples
Control samples are taken in non-water damaged ‘similar’ rooms to establish what normal fungal ecology is for that space. This enables you to compare the levels and genre of fungi in the water-damaged room versus a non-water damaged ‘similar’ room. For example, the ensuite bathroom adjacent to the master bedroom had extensive hidden mould that became airborne during a renovation creating secondary damage. Sample the affected bathroom, master bedroom and adjacent living room and another non-affected bathroom in the home.
3. Sample the outdoors
At least one, preferably two outdoor control samples should be taken to enable you to compare the indoor samples with the outdoors to establish what ‘normal fungal ecology’ is for that environment (takes into consideration the microclimate, geography and flora of that area).
4. Account for vulnerable people
Areas occupied by sensitive groups (children, pregnant woman, immunocompromised patient…) should be sampled. Are there any areas of the home that aggravate their symptoms?
5. Test each level
A sample should be taken on each floor in a multistorey building, to determine if fungal particulate has spread to other levels. Mechanisms by which fungal particulate may spread through a building include the lift shaft, stairwells, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, systems, wall cavities, renovations that didn’t conduct containment and so on.


$440 GST Included
+ $110 per sample (2 samples minimum)
Technician Service Fee, Laboratory Analysis, Written Report